Changing the narrative of adaptation, preparing for a 4°C future — YRD

Changing the narrative of adaptation, preparing for a 4°C future (900)

Mark Stafford Smith 1
  1. CSIRO, O'Connor, AUSTR, Australia

As we experience the actual effects of climate change, and commit ourselves to many more, preparing the world for the effects of that change is just as important as mitigating how much more change is imposed upon us in the future.  A world at >4°C is still hard to deeply visualise, but we have growing confidence that it would require transformative change in human systems.  To move from thinking about impacts as a means to promote mitigation to delivering real adaptation action requires a significant change in narrative, one which is slowly percolating through our community.  It means moving from problems to solutions, from a focus on distant 2070 impacts to decisions being made today, from lamenting uncertainty to emphasising well-known risk management, and from characterising climate change as an environmental issue to emphasising the social and economic dimensions of adaptation.  It also means upping the scale at which we think about adaptation, from many local actions to emergent, regional and economy-wide implications.  And, increasingly, it means looking beyond climate to a whole suite of other global environmental changes that share the slow onset, global scale, hard-to-forecast characteristics of climate change, for which the same adaptation approaches are likely to be needed.
