Is the Australian corporate sector prepared for climate change? How listed compaies are responding to and reporting on climate change. — YRD

Is the Australian corporate sector prepared for climate change? How listed compaies are responding to and reporting on climate change. (957)

Fiona Silke 1 , Alianne Rance 1
  1. Net Balance, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Our climate is changing, and impacts of climate events are affecting Australian organisations. While action from local, state and federal governments is visible, action from Australia's corporate sector is less visible. There are some leading corporate action, but is Australia's corporate sector responding to climate change risks?

A high level review of the ASX top 200 companies was completed to see if and how they were disclosing risks, opportunities or actions responding to climate change impacts and weather events. Drilling down into 11 most at risk sectors, the climate risks disclosures in sustainability reports were compared to a company's (if they reported) Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) reporting. Companies' disclosures were then scored and leaders identified.

Project drivers:
• Desire to understand how prepared corporate Australia is and to advocate for improved disclosure.
• Changes to the ASX governance principle changes, requiring ASX listed companies to disclose environment, social and governance risks or to disclose if not why not.
• Draft Adaptation Outlook from Federal Government included draft progress measure of number of disclosing companies.

• The level of reporting in sustainability or annual reports is much less than reporting for CDP. 
• Many companies include disclosures on the impacts of weather or climate related events but not within the context of climate. 
• The property sector is more advanced than other sectors in terms of disclosing. 
• Each sector has a leader in terms of disclosing of climate change risks, providing insights into the types of risks and ways to disclose risks.
