Preparing regional mining supply chains for climate change: building institutions to share the costs and benefits — YRD

Preparing regional mining supply chains for climate change: building institutions to share the costs and benefits (959)

Barton Loechel 1
  1. CSIRO, Pullenvale, QLD, Australia
This presentation is based on a case-study of climate change impacts and adaptation options for a mining supply chain in the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia. The study was conducted by the CSIRO and funded by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy (CME) and the Goldfields Environmental Management Group (GEMG). The study revealed a range of sector specific threats and opportunities in the supply chain from regional climate change and a number of cascading impacts between sectors. A range of barriers and enablers to adaptation were identified. While the adaptation actions required to prepare for potential climate impacts were clear enough in many cases (e.g. identify alternative water sources, upgrade transport and energy infrastructure) a common stumbling block was the question of "who pays?" This blockage tended to occur in a situation where multiple parties stood to gain from an adaptation action but no party was prepared to act as first mover in the absence of a cost sharing agreement. This presentation will explore the potential of various institutional approaches to sharing costs and benefits so that adaptation options can be realized.