On the road again - Engagement with Australia's NRM communities on new climate change projections — YRD

On the road again - Engagement with Australia's NRM communities on new climate change projections (1026)

Chris Gerbing 1 , Leanne Webb 1 , Mandy Hopkins 1
  1. CSIRO, Aspendale, Australia

The delivery of Australia's new climate change projections by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology is designed to support medium-term planning within Australia's natural resource management (NRM) regions. This planning will determine how Australia's land, biodiversity and coastal assets are managed under future climate change.

An extensive engagement program has been undertaken by CSIRO, in collaboration with the Bureau of Meteorology, to accompany the development, and support the use of, climate change projections for Australia. Engagement has targeted natural resource managers, NRM planners, impacts and adaptation researchers and regional communities who represent a diverse range of perspectives, skills and geographies. Interaction with these groups has been of significant value in enhancing two-way understanding of climate change projections and their use. It has also assisted the projections team in understanding the level at which to pitch communication, guidance materials and other services.

The CSIRO-led climate projections team is undertaking a number of initiatives to develop deeper insights into user requirements, as well as to raise awareness and capability relating to climate change science, projections and application of relevant data. Engagement activities have included co-creation of climate projections workshops ("Roadshows"); user interviews; online forums; establishment of a user panel; participation in NRM group meetings; targeted webinars; communication product review processes; and distribution of interim products.

User feedback has been integral to improving engagement and service delivery. It has been enormously beneficial in determining the development and design of the updated Climate Change in Australia website, the major delivery portal for these projections.
