Communities of practice - catalsyts for innovation — YRD

Communities of practice - catalsyts for innovation (1102)

Celeste Young 1
  1. Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

How knowledge is developed and communicated has a direct impact on how effectively adaptation is understood, perceived, valued and responded to. Adaptation knowledge needs to be developed in context of the systems it is used with, the institutions and organisations it is used in, and the people it is used by. Because of the innovative nature of adaptation which requires the development and integration of new knowledge into pre-existing systems and knowledge, communities of practice are key to enabling the adaptation process.

Using case studies this presentation will examine the role of communities of practice in supporting adaptation practitioners, policy makers and researchers to develop and implement new knowledge. It will explore the types of challenges that can be encountered with these communities and the opportunities that arise as a result of them. It will also show how these communities can act as a catalyst for the innovation and transformation needed for adaptation to occur.
