Action on climate change in the national capital city Canberra: an innovative transformation — YRD

Action on climate change in the national capital city Canberra: an innovative transformation (1143)

Barbara Norman 1 2
  1. University of Canberra, ACT, Australia
  2. The Australian National University, ACT, Australia
While the federal parliament continues its debate on the hill, the ACT government with local communities is implementing a wide-ranging program of action on climate change. Canberra has experienced its fair share of extreme events including the devastating bushfires in 2003. As an inland city in the southeast of Australia, the projections all indicate a hotter environment with direct implications for the built and natural landscapes and the health of the Canberra community. The ACT Government has set ambitious targets for greenhouse gas reduction in 2020, 2040 with a zero emissions target in 2060. Furthermore the ACT Government is committed to a 90 percent renewable energy target by 2020. The first solar farm has now been completed with two more in train and the wider region is leading edge on wind energy. These targets may seem bold but on present indications the government is on track. The focus has been initially on mitigation and attention is now on developing an adaptation plan on six key themes ranging from the built environment to agriculture. This paper will outline the steps that have led to this suite of innovative actions on climate change and the platform it now provides for transformative change for a more resilient city.   Discussion will also be on the implications for institutional and governance arrangements in the future.