Can Government deliver 'fit-for-purpose' climate information? — YRD

Can Government deliver 'fit-for-purpose' climate information? (962)

Polly Mitchell 1 , Suzanne Dunford 1
  1. Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney South, NSW, Australia

Following the 2011 Commission of Audit report, the NSW Government has adopted a strategic agenda to provide more responsive service, better collaboration with customers, increased transparnecy to the general public, promotion of evidence-based decision-making and being more proactive in efforts to improve customer satisfaction. This paper will explore how this approach can be applied to climate change projections and provision of fit for purpose cliamte information for those who need it.

The NSW and ACT Regional Climate Model (NARCLiM) aims to deliver high resolution climate projection information through an online NSW Climate Information Portal. In the development of the program the NSW Government engaged with multiple stakeholders to ensure that the information delivered will be used efficiently and effectively in decision making. Having established the "need" of customers, the government now faces the challenge of providing public information that is technically complicated to a general audience in a way that will underpin evidence-based decision making. The paper will explore the challenges and opportunities that a new focus on customers brings when providing information.
