The development of a ‘Guide for Government' on Incorporating Community Values into Climate Change Planning — YRD

The development of a ‘Guide for Government' on Incorporating Community Values into Climate Change Planning (1049)

Anna Hurlimann 1 , Jon Barnett 1 , Ruth Fincher 1 , Sonia Graham 1 , Colette Mortreux 1
  1. The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

This presentation provides an account of the development of a guide for government regarding the incorporation of community values into climate change planning (Barnett et al. 2014).  The guide was developed through a three year research project funded by an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant.  It provides a step-by-step guide of how to identify community values, relationships and activities that are likely to be impacted by climate change and adaptation, and how to implement a more equitable, fair and inclusive adaptation process.  The overall approach is called a Values Approach for Adaptation Planning (VAAP). There are six main steps involved: 1) Gathering information on climate scenarios and vulnerability 2) Scope potential values at risk 3) Confirm actual values at risk, 4) Develop a profile of residents and their values, 5) Identify scenarios to guide adaptation planning, 6) Encourage community participation in development of adaptation stages. These six steps were developed and tested in five communities along the Gippsland East coast. It is hoped that this guide will be used by communities and local governments in Australia, and internationally, to expand the current focus of decision-making from the impacts of climate changes on health and finances to the less tangible factors that gives meaning to people's everyday lives.  


Barnett J, Fincher R, Hurlimann A, Graham S, Montreux C (2014) Incorporating Community Values into Climate Change Planning: A Guide for Local Government, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, June. ISBN: 978 0 7340 4930 8. Available at:
