Co-producing climate knowledge, 2: Communities of practice and decision-relevance — YRD

Co-producing climate knowledge, 2: Communities of practice and decision-relevance (932)

Judy Lawrence 1
  1. Victoria University of Wellington, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

One focus of the Climate Change Impacts and Implications program, is to increase the relevance of climate change science, and the decision-making capacity of stakeholders to consider implications of climate change risks. We are producing knowledge about how climate change is understood by those affected by climate change, how they use climate and relevant non-climate information in their decisions and its relative importance for decision making. We recognize that different end-users (a) require different knowledge, and (b) learn in different ways. The Communities of Practice, are our mechanism for mutual learning between researchers and end-user groups. End-users are defined as central and local government, business, enterprise and industry, communities and Māori. Working with them ensures that the users can define their decision requirements for developing adaptive capacity to address changing climate as it impacts on their activities and decisions. Stakeholders want information provided in accessible formats and institutional mechanisms that are relevant, credible, and legitimate. We have found that there are political and communication barriers to understanding the implications of climate change; capability and capacity deficits made worse by misaligned governance and institutional actors; use of inadequate planning measures; and that climate extremes are important. By linking the knowledge production with the modelling we will help ensure project outcomes are aligned to decision-makers' needs. 
