Colette Mortreux
Melbourne University, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Colette’s research explores climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. She is interested in the ways in which climate risk attitudes and decisions are embedded in people’s daily lives, shaped by their circumstances, their experiences, and values. Colette is currently completing her PhD at the University of Melbourne. Previous work has included research on the social and equity implications of sea level rise planning in Gippsland, research for the Fire Services Commissioner on the effectiveness of Victoria’s bushfire warnings system, and research on migration intentions and climate change attitudes in Tuvalu.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
A Local Coastal Adaptation Pathway (968)
8:30 AM
Jon Barnett
Parallel Session 10 - Barriers and enablers to local adaptation
The development of a ‘Guide for Government' on Incorporating Community Values into Climate Change Planning (1049)
11:00 AM
Anna Hurlimann
Parallel Session 20 - Engaging with stakeholders
Adaptation and the limits of capacity: an examination of household adaptation to bushfire risk in Mount Dandenong (1113)
1:30 PM
Colette Mortreux
Parallel Session 28 - Climate extremes and disaster management